Grilling Series #2: Prepping Your Steak

Prepping Your Steak

Epic steak starts right here. And you only need two things to make it happen: just flame and the perfect cut of meat.

First: Never cook a COLD steak 

When grilling a thick steak, you’ll want to take your steak out from the fridge about thirty minutes before you’re going to cook it but no more than two hours. This allows the meat to cook more evenly when grilling. This is also the best time to season it with salt.

Second: Use the RIGHT salt 

Sea Salt is always the way to go when seasoning a steak. The grains are medium-sized and the is perfect for grilled beef. Avoid table salt, iodized salt, or fine-grain sea salts as they have more weight to volume than larger grain salts, and you can easily over-season them. Just think medium grain, true sea salt.

Third: Make sure it’s super dry before it hits the heat.

We recommend patting your steak dry before putting on the grill to get that steakhouse quality sear. While high heat is a key process in creating that steakhouse sear, patting your steak dry is an important step for making sure your high heat isn’t wasted.

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