10 New Years Resolution Ideas For A Healthier Mind and Body

Whether you’re looking to set a fitness goal, healthy eating habit, or work at becoming more knowledgeable on a subject, choosing a New Year’s resolution is a great way to kick off the new year. If you don’t have a resolution yet, that’s okay! We picked out a couple of our favorite resolutions (and some truly creative ones) so you can choose a resolution that works for you!

night-television-tv-theme-machines.jpg1. Watch More DocumentariesIf you don’t normally watch documentaries, set a goal to watch at least one every other week. Here’s a few reasons why you should watch more documentaries in 2018:

  • Expand your knowledge – Introduce yourself to new topics and become more knowledgeable in certain areas that you don’t know much about. This should help you develop a well-rounded base of knowledge that can make you think a little differently.
  • Conversation Starter – Documentaries give you some easy talking points and facts to share with others. If you’re relatively shy, this could even help bring you out of your comfort zone a little!
  • See What It’s Like to be in Someone Else’s’ Shoes – Documentaries give you insight into new lifestyles that you may not have even known about! They show you what it’s like to live in a different environment, work in a different career path, or even live with a disorder.
  • Keep Feeding Your Brain – Utilize active learning by giving your brain new information to absorb and think about instead of being stuck in the same patterns of everyday life.

happier-thoughts.jpg2. Think More Positively
Make your New Year’s resolution to be a little more appreciative of the good days by writing down anything that made you happy this upcoming year and save them in a jar. Whether it’s an event that you loved, a joke that made you laugh so hard you cried, or just a memory worth saving, write it down! Then, on December 31st you can open up the jar and remember all of the amazing things that happened to you!Not only will this be a great way to look back at 2018, but pausing to write down all of the positive moments will help you realize on a daily basis that life is good!

water.jpeg3. Drink More Water
We all know we should be drinking more water, but actually doing it can help your mind and body so many ways!

  • Increases Energy and Relieves Fatigue – Since your brain is made up of mostly water, drinking more of it can improve your concentration and even boost your energy levels.
  • Promotes Weight Loss – Drinking water prior to meals can help reduce hunger, raise your metabolism, and removed by-products of fat.
  • Helps Your Skin – It moisturizes, improves complexion and even reduces wrinkles!
  • Flushes Out Toxins in Your Body & Boosts Your Immune System – If you don’t drink enough water, your kidneys will not function as well as they should to eliminate toxins in your body, causing your immune system to suffer.
  • Natural Headache Remedy – Since headaches are commonly caused by dehydration, drinking more water can help prevent them.
  • Mood Booster – When the body is functioning at it’s best, you’ll actually feel better too!

To help you keep track of your water intake, you can download a water tracking app on your smartphone like the My Water Balance app or you can invest in The Hydrate Smart Water Bottle, which will track your water intake for you.

volunteer-1326758_1280.png4. Volunteer More
Local charities are always looking for help, so why not make your New Year’s Resolution to volunteer more? Helping someone else in need is such a rewarding experience. You can volunteer at a YMCA to teach children how to play a sport, help your local church provide meals for the less fortunate, or get involved at a nearby vet clinic or pet rescue.Visit volunteermatch.com to see opportunities in your area.

5. Train for a 5k, 10k or Marathon (And Even Raise Money For A Cause) If you’re looking to get in shape, training to run a 5k, 10k, or marathon is a great New Years resolution. First, decide on how long you would like to train before your event, and then look up 5k, 10k, and marathons around that time frame and book it! Setting a date will help you stick with your New Year’s resolution. Many events like this even raise money and awareness for important causes! For a listing of events in your area, visit RunningInTheUSA.com.

socializing.jpeg6. Build Stronger Relationships
Social media is causing us to be less engaged and more attached to our cell phones, even when we’re socializing! We end up spending more time maintaining superficial connections online that we aren’t dedicating enough time or effort to real-life relationships. So, make an effort to call your family more often, text your friends when you think of them, or make a point to meet a friend each week for brunch! When you’re with them, don’t use your cell phone; simply enjoy the moment.

gym-membership.jpeg7. Get a Gym Membership and Actually Use It!
If you’re looking to leave 2017 behind and become a healthier version of yourself in 2018, get a gym membership! Most gyms have small enrollment fees this time of year so take advantage of it! Once you get a membership, make sure you actually go! If you find yourself saying “I don’t have time for that” then maybe it’s time to re-prioritize your health! Stop by the gym for a half hour in the morning or after work – any amount of cardio or weight lifting is better than none! Pssst… If you’re located around Pottstown, PA check out our Health Partner Crossfit Kazam for some killer workouts!

jelly-3032344_1920.jpg8. Lower Your ‘Added Sugar’ Intake
There’s two types of sugar – natural sugar and added sugar. Natural sugar is found in whole, unprocessed foods like fruit, vegetables, dairy and some grains. These items naturally have fiber in them, which helps to metabolize your meal. Added sugar is found in processed foods and drinks. Unlike natural sugar, It does not have fiber in it to help you digest it so it’s converted into fat in your body. Eating too much sugar can lead to tooth decay, obesity, type 2 diabetes, heart disease and more.The main sources of added sugar are candy, cakes, cookies, pies, pastries, dairy desserts, and sugary drinks, but it’s also hidden in everyday foods that you probably don’t even realize!Tips to Avoid Added Sugar

  • Limit your intake of candy, baked goods, and dairy desserts.
  • Choose heart-healthy foods, such as fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains for meals and snacks.
  • Replace sugary drinks with water instead.
  • Cut out processed foods.
  • Look for recipes that use less sugar when you are cooking or baking.
  • Read labels!

pack-your-lunch.jpeg9. Start Packing Your Work Lunches
If you tend to eat out for lunch or order takeout, you might be eating more unhealthy than you think. In one experiment, researchers ordered takeout from 123 restaurants in San Francisco, Little Rock, and Boston and scientifically tested the meals to learn that on average, each meal contained 1,205 calories. This is more than double the amount of calories that someone needs in a single meal.

If you replace 2 restaurant meals containing the average 1,205 calories with a healthier homemade meal for around 570 calories, you will be saving around 1,270 calories a week with that alone! In addition to that, when you order food from a restaurant, you have no way of knowing what quality ingredients went into making that food for you; Is the meat all-natural or was it full of growth hormones?

Not only is it healthier for you, but you can actually save around $3,000 a year by choosing to eat a packed lunch instead of eating out. Those $10 lunches and $5 iced coffees can really add up!

10. Be More Eco-Friendly
Green is everywhere these days; are you doing your fair share to be eco-friendly? If not, here’s a few things you can consider doing in 2018 to make sure you’re doing your job to protect the planet:

  • Recycle Everything You Can – Garbage doesn’t just “go away”, it ends up somewhere. If the items that you’re throwing away can be recycled, do it!
  • Recycle Aluminum – You can make 20 cans out of recycled material with the same amount of energy it takes to make one can out of new material.
  • Use Reusable Shopping Bags – Only 1 percent of plastic bags are recycled in the United States. The rest end up in landfills, the ocean, or some other place in the environment. It can take anywhere from 15 to 1000 years for a plastic bag to decompose.
  • Stop Using Bottled Water – When you stop buying bottled water, you’re helping to reduce global greenhouse gas emissions from shipping the product, making the product from petroleum-derived plastic, and also from the volume of empty plastic water bottles that are taken to our landfills.

What’s your New Year’s Resolution? We want to know! Comment below and tell us what you’re doing!


One Family’s Battle to Avoid Added Hormones

early-puberty (1).pngHow One Mom Stopped Her Child’s Signs of Early Puberty with Five Star Home Foods
This is a REAL story from one of our customers, Renee. 
In the late 90’s, Renee, a mother of three was seeing changes in her young daughter’s body that she didn’t exactly understand. Around age 9, her daughter started to get her period and began growing pubic hair, which to Renee were signs that she was maturing into a women. Puzzled, Renee took her daughter to her family doctor and told him what was going on.

After a few tests, their doctor reviewed them and Renee said that she could sense that he was upset and angry at the results. The doctor told her, “it just really frustrates me, it’s not you, your daughter is menstruating. It’s the hormones in the food!”
He concluded that the little girl was in fact maturing early and he predicted that this could be caused from the family eating meats from the grocery store that were raised with growth hormones.

Renee said at this point she was upset and didn’t really know what to do next, but soon realized her second daughter started developing early as well. She knew something had to be done.

A friend of hers recommended Five Star Home Foods, a home food delivery service that provides all-natural meats and organic vegetables to local families because she knew it was free from added growth hormones.

After Renee ordered from Five Star in 2000, her daughter’s period immediately went away and the hair fell out, which came back a few years later at a much more appropriate age. For Renee, this was proof that the hormones in the meat that Renee’s family was eating was aging her children and choosing to eat all-natural meats was a no-brainer.

UPDATE: Since this story was published in December 2017, we’ve heard from many other parents who have told us that their child’s early signs of puberty vanished after switching to an all-natural diet, too. This is a true story about one family’s journey, but it seems to be more common then we realized.

cows-grazing.jpegWhy Do They Give The Animals Hormones?
Hormones are added to increase the rate of weight gain and the rate at which the animals convert feed into muscle and fat. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved a number of steroid hormone drugs for use in beef cattle and sheep, including natural estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, and their synthetic versions. Since these are naturally occurring hormones already found in the animals, the FDA says it’s okay to give these to the animals to just elevate the amount in their bodies. Click here for information from the FDA regarding added hormones in food.Even though the hormones that the animals are given are naturally occuring in the animal, the concern is that children are then putting more hormones into their body when consuming the meat that would not normally be there at a young age.

pre-teen.pngEarly Puberty
Most of us remember going through the awkward stages of puberty and becoming an adult. Around when Renee’s family was growing up, children were maturing around age 12, yet her children were reaching puberty closer to age 9 and 10.Dr. Marcia Herman-Giddens was working in a paediatric clinic at Duke University Medical Centre in North Carolina in the late 1980s, when she noticed a puzzling phenomenon. She realized that more and more girls around age eight or nine had started to sprout pubic hair and breasts. At this time, the average age of puberty for girls in the West was 12.5 years old.

Startled, she began collecting data that eventually produced a study with the American Academy of Pediatrics. The study included 17,000 girls and found that the average age of breast-budding among Caucasian girls was 9.9 years while for African American girls it was 8.8. The discovery was very controversial at the time and many doctors refused to believe that it was true. Over time more studies have showed a drop in early puberty and most doctors today are now accepting of the findings.A German study found that the average age of puberty in girls has actually been decreasing since the 1860’s. These were their findings:

  • In 1860, it was 16.6 years old
  • In 1920, it was 14.6 years old
  • In 1950 it was 13.1 years old
  • In 1980 it was 12.5 years old
  • In 2010, it had dropped to 10.5 years old

Young girls face this issue more than young men, however similar figures have been reported for boys but with a delay of around a year.

pretty-girls-happy-young-55811.jpegPrecocious Puberty
Precocious puberty is when a child’s body begins developing into an adult far sooner than it should be. As of today, puberty that begins before age 8 in girls and age 9 in boys falls under this diagnosis. This includes rapid growth of bones and muscles, changes in body shape and size, and development of the body’s ability to reproduce. Some rare conditions such as infections, hormone disorders, tumors, and brain abnormalities can cause early puberty, but most of the time, the exact cause is unknown.

softball-girls-team-mates-happy-163465.jpegRisk Factors
The cause of early puberty is still very controversial and heavily debated, however most scientists and health experts are leaning towards a few main risk factors that could be causing this phenomenon.

  1. Obesity: Children who are significantly overweight have a higher risk of developing precocious puberty because obesity is thought to increase blood levels of estrogens which can then cause early breast development. This has also been confirmed by a few studies that linked puberty to a higher body mass index. In Renee’s case, eating healthier foods from Five Star may have also helped to stop the early signs of puberty.
  2. Being a girl: Girls are more likely to develop precocious puberty than boys. Two out of the three girls in Renee’s family showed signs of early development.
  3. Being an African-American. African-Americans appear to have a higher risk of early puberty than children of other races.
  4. Being exposed to sex hormones. Being exposed to too many sex hormones including estrogen and testosterone can increase your child’s risk of developing early. In addition to avoiding added hormones in meat like Renee did, it’s also best to avoid creams and ointments with hormones in them.
  5. Having other rare medical conditions. Some rare medical conditions can cause early signs of puberty. Please talk to your doctor if you feel that your child is developing early for a proper exam.

teenage-basketball-team.jpgHow to Help Prevent Precocious Puberty
Some risk factors for precocious puberty, such as sex and race, can’t be avoided, but according to the Mayo Clinic, there are two main ways you can reduce your child’s chances of developing precocious puberty:

  • Keep your child away from unnecessary sources of estrogen and testosterone. In Renee’s case, this meant ensuring her children did not obtain any added estrogen or testosterone in their meats.
  • Encourage your child to maintain a healthy weight by exercising and eating healthier foods.

For more information about precocious puberty, visit The Mayo Clinic’s website or talk to your doctor if you feel that your child is developing early.We want to sincerely thank Renee for sharing her story with us! If anyone else has seen a positive health benefit from using Five Star Home Foods’ all-natural meats, we would love to hear from you! Please send an email to melanien@fivestarhomefoods.com to tell us about your experience!

Disclaimer: We are not claiming that our product can revert precocious puberty. Renee’s story is one that she shared with us freely as she hoped others could benefit from her experience. Please talk to your doctor if you are seeing changes in your child for a proper diagnosis.

Dump and Go” Spicy Slow Cooker Chicken Chili”

chicken-chili-recipe.pngCold winter days call for some warm and spicy chicken chili! If you’re going to be away from home the majority of the day and don’t have much time in the morning to prepare dinner, this slow cooker recipe is perfect for you! So simple, you just toss everything in the crock pot in the morning and cook it all day long!
Best part about this recipe is that the chicken actually cooks right in the chili, so you don’t need to spend time browning the meat like you normally would need to do if it was ground turkey or beef.

Another tip is to cut up the vegetables the night before so you can just dump it in the crock pot in the morning to save on time. By doing this, It should only take you an extra 5 minutes in the morning to dump everything into the crock pot.


  • 3 Five Star boneless, skinless chicken breasts
  • 15 oz can black beans, drained
  • 15 oz can kidney beans, drained
  • 15 oz can sweet corn, drained (or one bag Cascadian Farm Organic Frozen Corn)
  • 15 oz can diced tomatoes
  • 8.25 ounces unsalted chicken stock (I like my chili thick but you can add more if you’d like)
  • 1 large yellow onion
  • 1 red bell pepper
  • A few pickled jalapeño peppers, chopped (add more if you like it spicier)
  • 3 tablespoons chili powder
  • 1 tablespoon ground cumin
  • 1 tablespoon minced garlic
  • 1 tablespoon dried oregano
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons paprika
  • 1 teaspoon black pepper
  • 1/2 teaspoon red pepper flakes
  • 1/2 teaspoon crushed red pepper

Optional toppings & extra goodies:

  • Sour cream
  • Cheddar cheese
  • Chopped fresh cilantro
  • Chipotle Tobasco Sauce
  • Cornbread

1. Chop up the onions, peppers, and jalapenos. Add this to the crock pot. If you’re making this the night before to save time, just place them all in a ziplock bag so you can dump it into the crock pot in the morning. 
2. Next, add the rest of the ingredients to the crockpot except the chicken. Stir it up. 

3. Add the raw chicken to the crock pot. Try to put it under the rest of the ingredients so it cooks evenly. 
4. Cook it on low for 8 hours or on high for about 4 hours. 
5. Once it’s done cooking, shread the chicken using two forks in the crockpot and mix it up again. 
6. Serve!
7. Optional: Top with sour cream, cheddar cheese, cilantro, or chipotle tobasco sauce, or pour it overtop of a piece of cornbread! Enjoy!!<

2017 Holiday Gift Guide for the Fitness Lover

10 No-Fail Healthy Living Gifts This Holiday Season

2017 holiday gift guide.pngLooking for a gift for your fitness-loving friend or family member? We’ve got you covered! Here are our top picks for athletes who love CrossFit, yoga, bodybuilding, Barre, hiking, biking, contact sports and the list goes on and on!.

Hidrate-Spark-2-features.jpg1. Hidrate Spark Smart Water Bottle
This smart water bottle reminds you to drink more water and even celebrate when you’ve met your daily goal! A sensor inside the bottle automatically records how much you drink and even syncs to apps on both the iPhone and Android. It integrates with fitness trackers including Fitbit, Apple Watch, Apple Health Kit, Google Fit, and Under Armour Record. There’s no charging required, the Hidrate Spark comes with a long lasting replaceable battery, so you don’t need to remember to plug it in every night!.
View bottles here.

yoga-towel.jpg2. YogaRat’s Yoga Towel
Any friend who frequently goes to yoga would be thrilled to get this yoga mat/towel! Mat-length towels rest on top of the mat to help soak up perspiration so the user won’t slip or slide while they practice. It’s unique texture helps to provide grip while still providing a comfortable soft touch during a yoga session. All mats are machine washable too which is really convenient since most yoga mats can’t be washed.
View mats here.

carico-juice-master-professional-669795-edited.jpg3. Carico “Juice Master” Stainless Steel Juicer
This is a perfect gift for the fruit and veggie lover! Juicing offers many health benefits and allows you to absorb nutrients that are naturally found in fruits and vegetables to help boost the immune system. Most juices found in the grocery store are processed, loaded with added sugar, and lack nutritional value. By choosing to juice at home with fresh fruits and vegetables, users will have a more nutritious product bursting with vitamins and minerals.
Bonus: This juicer is part of the Five Star Home Foods rewards program.
View small kitchen appliances here.

Mens-Winter-2018-Logbook.png4. Gym Gypsy Journal
If you’re buying a present for a fellow gym rat, chances are they will LOVE this gym journal. This allows users to keep track of their diets and workouts in one comprehensive place. Journal includes a section for their monthly goals, to-do’s, appointments, and more importantly features a training section to record their workouts, sleep, fatigue, stress, soreness, motivation and nutrition! It also has inspirational sayings to keep them motivated all year long! Designs are available for both men and women.
View journals here.

handmade-headbands-etsy.jpg5. Sport Headbands
Popular in the CrossFit and bodybuilding community, headbands have taken off as the stylish way to keep your hair and sweat off your face, like these handmade ones from BandItUpBoutique on Etsy. Available in many different colors and designs, any gym lover or sports player would be thrilled to show these off at their next practice! They would make a great stocking stuffer for the athlete in your home!
View styles here.

meal-prep-book.jpg6. Healthy Living Cookbooks
A cookbook focused on meal-prepping, clean eating or the ketogenic diet would be great for your fitness pal. This will give them plenty of ideas to eat healthy all year long! Look around your local Barnes and Noble or do some research on Amazon to pick out a cookbook that fits your friend’s tastes and diet preferences.
View cookbooks here.

belle-and-bell-shirt.jpg7. Belle and Bell Fitness Apparel
Belle and Bell is a is an inspirational athletic clothing line for women that can be worn in or out of the gym. The stylish clothing allows women to feel confident about their beauty and fitness, while expressing themselves in a fun and sassy way. With tons of different gym quotes to choose from, these shirts will be a sure favorite this holiday season!
View styles here.

jabra-sport-mens-headphones.jpg8. Jabra Coach Bluetooth Headphones
No one likes to be all wrapped up in headphones when they’re trying to workout! Wireless headphones give you the freedom to move around freely while still listening to your favorite songs. Once your friend has experienced the difference between a workout with the old headphones and these new bluetooth headphones, they’ll never look back!
View headphones here.

9. Ruffwear Dog Hiking Backpack
Does your fitness friend enjoy the outdoors with a little help from a four legged friend? If so, the dog hiking backpack is perfect for them! The Approach Pack is comfortable and allows dogs to carry trail necessities, great for day hikes and overnight adventures. It’s also great for hiking, running, biking, or a fun day at the park playing frisbee golf!
View styles here.

vita-craft-cookware.jpg10. Vita Craft Ultra Healthy Cooking System
Did you know you can actually cook without water, grease, oil, or butter? The Vita Craft Ultra Healthy Cooking System is a waterless/greaseless cooking system, providing a more healthy way to cook vegetables and meats. Any clean-eating individual would go nuts for this!
Bonus: This cookware is part of the Five Star Home Foods rewards program.
View small cooking appliances here.
Do you know of another product that you think a health enthusiast would love? Leave us a comment and let us know!

How to Keep Your Food Cold During a Power Outage

Tips and Tricks to Make Your Food Last During a Crisis

power-line-down.jpgWith colder weather approaching, we wanted to remind our customers of some helpful tips to keep their food safe during an emergency. Knowing what to do when you lose power from high winds, snow, or ice can greatly reduce unnecessary food losses.

As a general rule of thumb, a full freezer will hold the temperature unopened for approximately 48 hours and 24 hours if it’s half full.
Keeping your food cold without power can be difficult. We understand that you won’t always have time to prepare in advance of an emergency, but if you know of a severe storm in the forecast, take the time to prepare – you will be happy you did!
Here’s some steps to follow to prepare for a weather emergency that knocks out your power:

Tip #1: Group food together in the freezer. This helps the food stay cold longer than if all of the items were spread out.
Tip #2: Move food to the bottom of the freezer. Heat rises, so the bottom of the freezer will naturally be the coldest.
Tip #3: Make sure you have plenty of ice! Purchase, make ice cubes, or freeze gel packs to fill your freezer with as much ice as possible to help keep the food cold/frozen longer. If you don’t have any ice trays, use tupperware to freeze containers of water instead. Remember, water expands when it freezes, so don’t overfill the containers.
Tip #4: Use dry ice. If you have access to dry ice, put this in your freezer. Some utility companies often make dry ice available for free during a power outage, so be on the lookout! Fifty pounds of dry ice should keep a fully stocked 18-cubic-feet freezer cold for two days.

thermometer-428339_1920-905782-edited.jpgTip #5: Keep a thermometer in your freezer. This will tell you exactly what temperature the food is when the power is restored and you open the freezer for the first time. The freezer should be set to 0 °F or below. If you open the freezer after a power outage and it has not risen above 40 degrees than your food is still cold and perfectly fine to eat. You can pick up a thermometer for less than $10 on Amazon.

Tip #6: Freeze refrigerated items such as leftovers, milk, fresh meat and poultry that you may not need immediately. A refrigerator will keep your food cold for about 4 hours if it is unopened (as opposed to 24 – 48 hours in a freezer), so moving these items into a freezer will give them a better chance of surviving the power outage.

Tip #7: Invest in a Generator. A generator can be a lifesaver when it comes to power outages – literally!
If you remember back in 2012, Hurricane Sandy shattered the records for the largest number of power outages in Pennsylvania and New Jersey history. Sandy knocked out power for more than 3 million customers. Some residents had to bunk up at local hotels (that only had power from a generator) because their power was out for a few weeks.

View portable generators

snow-plow.jpgTIPS TO FOLLOW DURING AN EMERGENCY:Tip #1: Don’t keep opening and closing the freezer/refrigerator doors. Try to keep them closed as much as possible to maintain the cold temperature. Like we mentioned earlier, a closed freezer will keep your food cold for 24 – 48 hours depending on how full it is, and a refrigerator will keep food cold for about 4 hours unopened.

Tip #2: If you lost power during a snowstorm, take advantage of the frigid outdoor temps! Put your food in a cooler and simply place it outside. Depending on the temperature outside, It could stay cold longer than if you left it inside for an extended period of time. Avoid putting food outside directly into the ice or snow because it can attract wild animals or thaw when the sun comes out.

Tip #3: Cover the fridge/freezer with blankets or quilts. This will help to insulate the appliance better to keep it cold longer.


DO NOT taste the food to determine its safety! If the power has been out for a few days, check the temperature of the freezer with a food thermometer. If the food is at 40 °F or below, the food is safe. If you don’t have a thermometer, check each packet of food to see if it still contains ice crystals. If it does, it’s good to eat or refreeze if the power has been restored. Discard refrigerated perishable food such as meat, poultry, fish, soft cheeses, milk, eggs, leftovers, and deli items after 4 hours without power.

If the vacuum seal is no longer tight around your Five Star frozen food, it’s not necessarily bad. If the food still contains ice crystals, you should be able to refreeze the food or eat it within a few days. If you re-freeze a Five Star package that is no longer vacuum sealed, your food may get ice crystals after some time as the packaging is no longer air tight. Placing any such package inside a Ziploc Freezer Bag will help to prevent freezer burn.

If you purchased a protection plan and experienced a power outage that lasted longer than 2 days or if you feel weary about the food that may have been defrosted, let us know and we will replace any item. To do so, fill out the Contact Us form on the website and let us know which items you lost due to the power outage. We would then place the order and you should expect to have the food back within 7-14 days.

Five Star Freezer Photos -FS1 to FS4 095.jpgIf you do not have a protection plan, talk to your culinary consultant about how you can protect your food and freezer. Five Star customers are able to purchase a freezer from us that includes a protection plan or they can purchase a protection plan on their current freezer. Both are optional, but have plenty of benefits including:

  • 10 years service at no charge for parts and labor
  • 15% initial discount off their food or 10% upgrade discount
  • Food loss replacement if your freezer breaks down or even in a documented power outage!

Plus, coverage will stay in effect for no additional charge for all customers who purchased a protection plan and continue to order food after the 10 year initial coverage period. It’s a great way to protect your freezer and still experiencing the convenience and health benefits of Five Star Home Foods. 

View freezers

Cooking Oils and Butters You Should Never Eat

And Which Oils and Butters You Should Actually Be Consuming

butters-header.jpegBefore you begin reading this, try your hardest to clear your mind of any preconceived notions about oils and butters.A lot of studies have been done over the past couple of years that have shed light on some of the oils and butters that were generally considered healthy and some that we considered bad.

For example, saturated fat was thought to be “the enemy” of food. We were told by a scientist named Ancel Keys not to consume it because it could cause heart disease and promote weight gain. These studies were since disproven and have no correlation to heart disease or weight gain. (Click here to learn more about how Ancel Keys mislead an entire nation into thinking fat was bad for us.)

In the 1960s, fats and oils made up about half of the calories in the average American diet and only about 13% of adults were obese and under 1% had type 2 diabetes. Today, the American diet takes in less fat, getting about 33 percent of calories from fats and oils and yet, a whopping 36% percent of adults are obese and about 11% percent have diabetes, most with type 2 diabetes.

Now, we’re not saying you should go ahead and start consuming fat at an unprecedented rate, but don’t be afraid to throw a little butter into your pan when sauteing your steak!

olive-oil.jpegGood Oils & Butters Olive Oil/Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Olive oil is made by crushing olives and grinding them into paste, so it has a distinct taste that’s usually fruity and sometimes bitter. Olive oil is used primarily to sauté, pan-fry, sear, or stir-fry meats and vegetables, but it can also be used in salad dressings. It’s best to use olive oil for low to medium heat cooking.
Did you know that there are gourmet olive oil shops that specialize in infused olive oil to add a different flavor to the oil? They can be very tasty!
Health Benefits:

  • Rich in healthy monounsaturated fats
  • Contains large amounts of antioxidants
  • Strong anti-inflammatory properties
  • Protective against heart disease
  • May help fight Alzheimer’s disease
  • May reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes

coconut-oil.jpegCoconut Oil
Coconut oil is made by pressing the fat from the white “meat” inside the giant nut. Usually it has a sweet taste and aroma, so it’s pleasant when used in baked goods. Coconut oil initially had a bad reputation because it’s extremely high in saturated fat, however this saturated fat is different than the fat that’s in unhealthy foods. It contains a unique form of dietary fat called Medium Chain Triglycerides (MCTs) which metabolize differently. In one study, participants found that 15-30 grams of MCTs per day increased 24 hour energy expenditure by 5%, totalling about 120 calories per day.

Did you know, not all coconut oils have that sweet coconut oil taste? Expeller-pressed coconut oil uses a different method of extraction that actually leaves behind the sweet taste, yet still contains a lot of the nutrients. Perfect for grilling meats!

Health Benefits:

  • May help you burn more fat, especially around the abdomen
  • Can help to reduce your hunger
  • Can improve blood cholesterol levels
  • When applied to the hair and skin it can protect hair against damage, moisturize skin and act as a sunscreen
  • Contains Lauric Acid, which when digested can help to kill harmful microorganisms

alternative-906138_1920.jpgAvocado Oil
Have you noticed that you can now buy mayo and ranch salad dressing that uses avocado oil? It may sound strange, but avocado oil has a very mild flavor, so you wouldn’t even notice it in these condiments. It also has a high smoke point, so it’s a perfect oil to use when cooking, sauteing, and baking.

Did you know, most plant oils are extracted from the seed of the plant, but avocado oil is actually extracted from the green flesh of the avocado?

Health Benefits:

  • Promotes absorption of nutrients in the body
  • High in vitamins K, C, B5, B6,
  • High in folate, potassium
  • Helps to prevent periodontal disease
  • When applied to the skin, it can reduce skin damage from UV rays, reduce wrinkles, and tighten the skin
  • Can help ease itchy, dry skin and bug bites
  • High in oleic acid, a fatty acid associated with decreased risk of depression and high anti-cancer benefits
  • May help reduce joint pain

Tallow is usually made from cattle fat, but it can be from any animal except pork. It looks like a mixture of coconut oil and butter, with a waxy texture. It has a high smoke point, so it works great for frying or cooking meats and vegetables. It’s also found in many commercial soaps, moisturizers, and candles.

Just like coconut oil, tallow also had a bad reputation because it’s high in saturated fat and was thought to cause heart disease. Many studies have disproved this claim and instead tallow is now considered to be a healthier fat.

Did you know, the ketogenic diet actually recommends eating tallow to help meet daily fat requirements? Click to learn more about the ketogenic diet.

Health Benefits:

  • Rich in CLA (conjugated linoleic acid) which can help burn fat
  • Can protect hair against damage and moisturize the skin
  • Promotes vitamin absorption

I know when you read this you probably thought, “Lard is healthy? Doesn’t it clog arteries?” We’re here to set the record straight – lard is a healthy cooking fat and deserves to make a comeback! If you think about it, our ancestors used to eat lard all of the time, and they had much lower rates of cardiovascular health problems.

Lard, made from pig fat, is an excellent choice for cooking and baking. It creates a tasty brown crust on vegetables and meats without a distinct flavor. It’s also what gives pies their delicious flakey crust!

Did you know, you would have to eat 50 mushrooms to get the same amount of Vitamin D as one tablespoon of lard?

Health Benefits:

  • One of the highest forms of in vitamin D (from pastured hogs only)
  • The main fat in lard (oleic acid) is a fatty acid associated with decreased risk of depression and high anti-cancer benefits
  • Good source of healthy cholesterol (if you still think cholesterol is bad for you, read this article)

Again, you’re probably surprised to see this on the list of healthy fats because we’ve been told that it was bad for us. However, new research shows that this is one of the healthier options to cook with.

Butter is a dairy product made by churning fresh or fermented cream or milk. Butter has a salty and sweet taste, which makes it taste great in all types of dishes. It can be used to cook, bake, saute, or just lathered on foods like a baked potato or bagel.

Did you know, it takes 21 pints of milk to make a pound of butter?

Health Benefits:

crisco.jpgDid you know, Crisco (cottonseed oil) was actually first made by Procter and Gamble to make candles?Bad Oils & Butters Cottonseed Oil/Crisco
Photo Credit: Adam Engelhart

Crisco was invented in the early 1900’s by candle maker William Procter and his soap making friend, James Gamble. Since the meat industry was controlling the prices of lard and tallow (which were used to make soap and candles), Proctor and Gamble acquired cottonseed mills and developed the process of hydrogenation (processing inexpensive vegetable oils with hydrogen gas). This turned cottonseed oil into a thick, solid fat, similar to lard. It was extremely cheap to produce, and when the process of hydrogenation was added, it made the oil last a really long time. When it’s cooled, it looked exactly like lard.

Procter & Gamble marketed Crisco as a cheaper and healthier fat than the “unhealthy” lard, and was purchased by many food companies because it was so cheap. You’re probably eating cottonseed oil every day because it’s in almost every packaged and processed food in your store. Everything from chips, cereal, cookies, breads, salad dressings, mayo, pasta, to non-food items like soaps, shampoos, conditioners, makeup, lipstick, and so much more.

Health Risks:

vegetable-oil.jpegVegetable Oil (Including Canola, Soybean, Corn, Sunflower, Safflower, and Peanut)Did you know, there’s not even one vegetable in vegetable oil? Yes, you read that right.
Although “vegetable” oil may sound healthier than lard and butter, don’t be fooled, it’s very unhealthy. These oils are actually made from plant based seeds including rapeseed (canola oil), soybean, corn, sunflower, safflower, and peanuts, which is where the name vegetable oil comes into play. While coconut oil and olive oil are extracted by pressing, these oils have been extracted in very unnatural ways, which is why it’s best to avoid them.

While traditional fats (butter, tallow, lard, olive oil, etc.) have been around for a long time, vegetable oils are a very new addition to the “food” world, only coming into existence around the 1900’s, These vegetables oils were created as a cheap substitution for fats and used in most of our processed foods. Alone, the oils tend to taste terrible, so there’s a lot that needs to be done to make a product that actually tastes good.
Health Risks

butter-596296_1920.jpgMargarine & Other Fake Butter Substitutes
Did you know, margarine is made from refined vegetable oils?

So, as you just read, vegetable oils are terrible for you. However, margarine is technically just more processed vegetable oils. So how is it solid at room temperature if vegetable oils are not?

In the most simple answer, vegetable oil goes through a process called hydrogenation (just like Crisco) to change the molecular structure so that it’s a solid butter. It’s also colored so that it looks more like butter. It’s then fortified with synthetic vitamins and minerals so that it can claim to be healthier, because it had no real health benefits on it own.

Health Risks

Rule of Thumb

If you’re looking to eat healthy, revert to the butters, oils, and foods that were only available prior to the 1900’s. For the most part, this food was untouched by scientists and are turning out to be the healthiest foods out there. When our society started making processed foods and incorporating it into our everyday lifestyles, we saw a huge uptick in health problems. Most of the food that has been “developed” in the past 100 years did not have enough science to back up their health claims and the overly processed foods are turning out to be very harmful.

For those looking to live a healthier lifestyle free from additives, unnatural hormones and chemicals, a home food delivery service might be a great fit. All food is preserved naturally using extremely cold temperatures and airtight packaging, so you know that you’re getting a clean piece of meat. You can learn more about Home Food Delivery Services here.

vita-craft-cookware.jpgPhoto Credit: Vita Craft
For those interested in cooking without using any added oils or butters, a waterless/greaseless cookware might be a great purchase (pictured above). Five Star Home Foods customers can purchase the Vita Craft Ultra Healthy Cooking System as part of our rewards program, granting you an extra discount which will pay off this appliance just by continuing to order from Five Star! Ask your culinary consultant about this appliance during your next meeting.


6 Low Carb, Heart Healthy Salmon Recipes

Quick and Tasty Ways to Add More Salmon to your Diet

salmon-layout-2.jpgAdding salmon to your diet is a great way to eat nutrient dense meals and get vitamins and minerals that aren’t as common in other foods. Salmon is one of the most versatile proteins, as it can be steamed, sauteed, smoked, grilled, baked, or poached – or even served raw in sushi and sashimi! Consuming at least two servings per week can help you meet your nutrient needs and even reduce the risk of several diseases.

Health benefits of salmon:

  • Healthy fats – Contains both polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats to help normalize your heartbeat and ease inflammation.
  • Omega-3 fatty acids – Protects the health of your blood vessels and lowers the risk of heart disease.
  • Selenium – A mineral that keeps your thyroid working properly and boosts the health of your immune system. It also functions as an antioxidant.
  • Phosphorus – A mineral that works with calcium to build and maintain your bones and teeth. It also plays a role in the function of your kidneys, heart and nerves.
  • Potassium – Supports your muscles and keeps your heart beating normally. Potassium also promotes healthy digestion.
  • Protein – In addition to being a good source of protein, salmon is also a complete source of protein, which means that it contains all of the essential amino acids you need.
  • Vitamin B – Helps to turn the food you eat into energy, create and repair DNA and reduce inflammation that can lead to heart disease.

Note: Five Star’s salmon is wild caught off the Pacific coast of Washington state, so it’s diet naturally provides the salmon with more nutrients than a farm raised salmon, which is commonly found in grocery stores.

These salmon recipes will give you plenty of ideas on how to incorporate more salmon into your diet and love every bite of it! Delicious and healthy, what’s not to love?

honey-cilantro-lime-salmon-103.jpgBaked Honey Cilantro Lime Salmon in Foil
You’ll love this baked honey cilantro lime salmon, which you can probably make with ingredients you already have at home! This tender salmon only takes 30 minutes to cook and the cleanup could not be any easier! Just toss the foil in the garbage and you’re done. Serve this as a regular dinner with the family or wow your guests at your next dinner party.

What you’ll need:

  • 4 medium salmon filets (or 1 large salmon fillet)
  • Salt and pepper, to taste
  • ½ cup butter, melted
  • Juice of 2 limes (plus one lime, thinly sliced)
  • 4 tablespoons honey
  • 3 teaspoons garlic
  • ⅓ cup cilantro

Head over to Creme De La Crumb for the recipe.

Blackened-Salmon-Tacos-with-Jalapeno-Lime-Crema-8.jpgGrilled Salmon Tacos with Avocado Tacos Who doesn’t love tacos? These blackened salmon tacos will give a new meaning to “taco tuesday” and we’re completely okay with that! This recipe even has a cilantro lime dressing to go along with it, so you know it’s going to be delicious.
What you’ll need:

Cilantro Lime Dressing:

  • ½ cup sour cream and mayo (I used ¼ cup each)
  • 2 teaspoons minced garlic
  • 3 tablespoons cilantro
  • 2 tablespoons fresh lime juice
  • 1 jalapeno
  • pinch of salt

Blackened Salmon:

  • 1 ½ teaspoon smoked paprika
  • 1 teaspoon each: cumin, chipotle powder, granulated garlic, and sugar
  • ¼ teaspoon each: thyme and onion powder salt and pepper
  • 1 pound salmon
  • 3 tablespoons oil

Other Optional Toppings

  • Corn or flour tortillas
  • Red cabbage
  • Diced avocados
  • Grilled corn
  • Cheese
  • Lime wedges
  • Chopped cilantro
  • Pickled jalapeños
  • Black beans

Head over to Little Spice Jar for the recipe.

Crispy-Parmesan-Garlic-Herb-Salmon-cafedelites-13.jpg Crispy Garlic Parmesan Salmon
Looking for a recipe with a little crunch but none of the guilt? This crispy garlic parmesan might be the perfect match! The best part – this can be on your table in under 20 minutes! So, no more excuses that you didn’t have time to make a healthy meal!

What you’ll need:

  • 4 8oz salmon fillet (or one large salmon filet)
  • 2/3 cup plain breadcrumbs
  • 2/3 cup grated parmesan cheese
  • 1/4 cup finely chopped parsley
  • 4 cloves garlic
  • 1/3 cup melted butter
  • Salt and pepper
  • Lemon wedges to serve

Head over to Cafe Delights for the recipe.

Mini-Salmon-Cakes-with-Sriracha-Lemon-Aioli-rect-OT-angled-cakes-3-square.jpgMini Salmon Cakes with Sriracha Lemon Aioli
Need an appetizer idea? These will wow your guests and I assure you that you’ll have to keep telling them that you did indeed make them yourself… and no you do not have a professional chef living with you.

What you’ll need:

For The Salmon Cakes:

  • 2 pounds salmon fillet
  • 1 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1 1/2 teaspoon pepper
  • 1 large onion
  • 2/3 cup plain dried breadcrumbs
  • 1/2 cup fresh parsley
  • 1/3 cup light mayonnaise
  • 1/4 cup Dijon mustard
  • 1 large egg (or 2 egg whites)
  • 4 tablespoons lemon juice

For The Sriracha Lemon Aioli:

  • 1/2 cup mayonnaise
  • 4 teaspoons Sriracha sauce
  • 4 teaspoons lemon juice
  • 1 clove garlic
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt

Head over to Taste and See for the recipe.

dill-salmon-6-1024x768.jpgCucumber Dill Salmon
This salmon is pan seared and topped with a creamy cucumber sauce that tastes like it was served at an expensive seafood restaurant. It’s ready in just 20 minutes so it’s really easy for a busy family to make when they’re looking to eat more heart healthy meals.

What you’ll need:

  • Olive oil
  • 3-4 salmon filets
  • Salt and pepper
  • 1 lemon cut in 6 wedges
  • 1/3 cup English cucumber
  • 4 oz light or Greek yogurt cream cheese
  • 2 tablespoons fresh dill
  • 1/4 cup + an additional 2-3 tablespoons of skim milk

Head over to A Gouda Life for the recipe.

Salmon-Cakes-4.jpgSalmon Cakes
Similar to a crab cake or salmon burger, these salmon cakes are so tender – and just down right delicious! The author of this recipe mentioned that friends of hers who don’t normally like salmon devoured these, so if you have any picky eaters out there who refuse to try salmon, maybe try to introduce these salmon cakes to them instead!

What you’ll need:

  • 1 lb salmon filet (or a few medium sized filets)
  • olive oil
  • garlic salt to taste
  • black pepper, to taste
  • 1 medium yellow onion (1 cup)
  • ½ red bell pepper
  • 3 tbsp unsalted butter
  • 1 cup panko bread crumbs
  • 2 large eggs
  • 3 tbsp mayonnaise
  • 1 tsp worcestershire sauce
  • ¼ cup parsley

Head over to Natasha’s Kitchen to get the recipe.

Do you have a salmon recipe that you would like to share? Leave a comment below or email melanien@fivestarhomefoods.com and we might feature you! Don’t forget to include a picture!

Meal Prepping Made Easy with Home Food Delivery

Recipes and Ideas to Begin Meal Prepping for a Healthier Lifestyle

girl-lifting.jpegWhether you’re a seasoned athlete competing in the CrossFit Games, or just someone who cares about what you’re putting into your body, meal prepping is one of the best ways to eat healthy with a busy schedule. Most of us live hectic lives and end up making unhealthy decisions when we’re short on time. But with a proper plan, meal prepping can be your new best friend.

With Home Food Delivery, meal prepping is easier than attempting your first hang-clean. Here’s why:


  1. You will have an entire seasons worth of proteins and vegetables available to you at any time. No more running to the grocery store before meal prepping; it’s all waiting for you in your freezer!
  2. Since we don’t add any preservatives or water to our meat, the food thaws out very quickly, making it easy for you to begin meal prepping!
  3. You can portion out exactly how much food you would like to cook with our convenient packaging. Each item is individually wrapped so you can make just the right amount of food!
  4. You tell us what portion sizes you want! For example, you can order an 8oz, 10oz, or 12oz NY Strip Steak or choose to order 4oz or 6oz chicken breasts; we can cater to your diet! Couples can even choose two different portion sizes depending on their specific needs.
  5. You never have to worry about your meat having any added hormones or preservatives. We are proud to provide all-natural meats and organic vegetables and fruits to our customers.

Once your freezer is stocked with healthy food we can get to the fun part – it’s time to start meal prepping for your lunches and dinners!

Click here to try a free sample of our all-natural beef, chicken, pork, and organic vegetables.

1. Choose Your Protein

This is the meat (wink wink) of your food prepping, so choose wisely!

Every athlete knows it’s important to get your protein in at every meal! In fact, Web MD recommends that the average adult male should get about 56 grams a day, and women should get about 46 grams.

Since each type of meat varies in nutrients and fats, we recommend that you switch up the type of meat you’re eating throughout the week to have a well balanced diet.

turkey-taco-lunch-bowls-4 (1).jpgTurkey
Ground turkey has 8 grams of protein per ounce, and is a lean substitute for ground beef or pork. It’s delicious in chili, tacos, and even burgers!These easy Meal Prep Turkey Taco Lunch Bowls from Sweet Peas and Saffron that will keep you full for hours

meal-prep-terriyaki-chicken-broccoli-2 (1).jpgChicken
Make these Meal Prep Teriyaki Chicken and Broccoli Entrees from Gimme Delicious for a delicious and nutritious take on Chinese food.
One of the most versatile meats, chicken contains 8 grams of protein per ounce and is very lean. Ground chicken is great for meals like meatballs and chicken burgers, but chicken breasts can be used in hundreds of healthy meals.

Certified Angus Beef® is the most delicious tasting steak out there, so we don’t blame you for wanting to eat it very often! At about 7 grams of protein per ounce, steak is a satisfying choice for your meal prepping.Get the recipe to make this Sheet Pan Flank Steak With Garlic Roasted Potatoes from My Latina Table.

Roasted-Salmon-with-Broccolini-and-Sweet-Potato-Meal-Prep-10 (1).jpgSalmon
Not only are you getting 6 grams of protein per ounce, but fish is the best source of omega 3’s, a type of healthy fats which may help lower the risk of heart disease, depression, dementia, and arthritis. Your body can’t make them. You have to eat them or take supplements.
Try this Lemon Roasted Salmon with Sweet Potatoes and Broccoli Entree from Little Spice Jar – only 282 calories a serving!

Getting tired of having beef and chicken all the time? Change up your meal prep routine by adding in some pork, weighing in at 8 grams of protein per ounce.
Make these Meal Prep Pulled Pork Protein Bowl from Eazy Peazy Mealz for a satisfying lunch or dinner.

2. Choose Your Veggies and Sides

According to the Harvard School of Public Health, your plate should be about half veggies and fruit, with the remaining half portion should be split between whole grains and your protein.

Here’s our top recommended picks for veggies and sides:

foodiesfeed.com_sweet-potato-fries.jpgSweet Potatoes
Sweet potatoes are delicious when roasted, steamed, baked, grilled, or puréed in smoothies and baked goods. Their natural sugars are released into the bloodstream slowly to provide a good source of energy without blood sugar spikes linked to fatigue and weight gain, making this tasty potato a great pick if you’re trying to lose weight.

MASONJARlayeredlunches2.jpg Leafy Greens
Kale, spinach, and collard greens are low in calories and carbohydrates but high in fiber, making them great for weight loss. They are also incredibly nutritious and very high in all sorts of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. This includes calcium, which has been shown to aid fat burning in some studies.

These mason jar layered lunches by Lexi’s Clean Kitchen is a great way to take a salad to work! Head over to her blog to make one of these today!


This veggie has become more popular when food bloggers realized that cauliflower can make a crispy bread-like or rice consistency without a powerful taste accompanying it. Cauliflower can be used to replace carbs in so many delicious ways – from pizza crust, to “mac n cheese”, and even bread! You won’t even notice the difference!

Check out some of the ways Tasty likes to use cauliflower in their recipes:

brown-rice.jpegBrown Rice
Rice comes in many different shapes, colors, and forms, but brown rice is our favorite for building muscle. It is a slow-digesting whole grain that provides you longer-lasting energy throughout the day, and during workouts. It can be easily modified to take on different tastes, like a cilantro brown rice, chinese fried rice, or even tomato and basil brown rice.

Quinoa is actually made from a crop known for its edible seeds. It’s gluten-free, high in protein (8 grams per cup) and one of the few plant foods that contain all nine essential amino acids. Quinoa is also one of the few foods that can be enjoyed hot (like in this garlic and mushroom quinoa dish) or cold (like this asian quinoa salad).

3. Use Those Lunch Containers!

Once you’ve cooked up your meats, veggies, and sides, portion out your meals into lunch containers that are easy to grab and go. This makes it much easier to take to work as your lunch instead of having to dish out the meals from large containers every day.

Prepped by @susieqfabmama . Breakfast: Egg muffins/kale/sweet potatoes Morning snack: Apple/peanut butter Lunch: Ground turkey/green beans/rice Afternoon snack: Sweet mini peppers . @mealprepdaily #mealprepdaily

A post shared by Meal Prep Daily (@mealprepdaily) on Sep 24, 2017 at 2:54pm PDT

apples-with-peanut-butter.jpg4. Remember Your Snacks!
Making sure you stay on track for all of your meals is a huge leap in the right direction, but remembering to have healthy snacks easily accessible might be just as important (especially if you’re a late night snacker!) Here’s a few of our favorites:

(Photo by Melissa on Flickr)

For more recipes and health advice, follow us on Facebook and Pinterest.


Holiday Recipes Bursting with Cranberry Flavor

Recipes for Those Who Can’t Get Enough Cranberry Sauce

cranberries.jpegIf you’re someone who piles on the cranberry sauce at your Thanksgiving dinner, then you are going to truly love these recipes. Each recipe incorporates cranberries in a unique way and we’re absolutely loving them. Here are our favorite Thanksgiving recipes for those who can’t get enough cranberry sauce on their plate!

Barbecue-Cranberry-Meatmalls.jpg1. 3 Ingredient Spicy Cranberry MeatballsForget cranberry sauce, these meatballs will be your family’s new favorite Thanksgiving side dish! Just 3 simple ingredients – cranberry sauce, barbeque sauce, and meatballs! Cook in a pan or throw it into the crock pot to let it cook all day long.
Get the recipe from Yellow Bliss Road.

Cranberry-Jalapeno-salsa-dip-recipe-NoBiggie.net_.jpg2. Cranberry Jalapeno Cream Cheese Dip
This dip is the perfect mix of sweet and spicy! If you’re not a fan of spicy foods, don’t let the title scare you away. It’s not as spicy as one would think because the cream cheese mellows it out. This appetizer will quickly become your family’s favorite dip (trust us!)
Get the recipe from No Biggie.

herb-crusted-pork-tenderloin-2.png3. Herb Crusted Pork Tenderloin with Cranberry Chutney
If you have a huge family, sometimes the normal meats like ham and turkey isn’t enough to feed your family on Thanksgiving. Including this pork tenderloin is a tasty addition to the spread, and your family might even prefer it over the turkey and ham!
Get the recipe from Little Bit Of.

Cranberry-Sausage-Stuffing.jpg4. Cranberry Sausage Stuffing
Forget the store bought stuffing, your guests will want this unique stuffing every year! The sweet and tart cranberries mixed with the savory taste of the sausage – you can’t go wrong! This is a MUST at thanksgiving!
Get the recipe from Fav Family Recipes.

Cranberry-Feta-Pinwheels-21.jpg5. Cranberry Feta Pinwheels
These cranberry feta pinwheels can be served as an easy appetizer that you can make up to 24 hours ahead of time. Your guests will love the unique sweet and creamy filling of this unusual Thanksgiving treat. Choose a red (tomato) wrap or green (spinach) wrap to add even more color to this festive dish!
Get the recipe from Spend With Pennies.

ThanksgivingTurkeyMeatloaf1.jpg6. Thanksgiving Turkey Meatloaf
This isn’t your typical meatloaf – It’s loaded with juicy apples and dried cranberries for a sweet and savory entree. You can even make this meatloaf in muffin tins for a personal sized meatloaf portions, making it easy to serve at your Thanksgiving dinner.
Get the recipe from Wishful Chef.

Cranberry-Pork-from-Bren-Did-2b.jpg7. Slow Cooker Cranberry Apple Pork Chops
This cranberry and apple pork chop recipe is great for those who have a large family to feed on Thanksgiving. This dice and go recipe is so simple. Just cut up the ingredients and add them to the crock pot. No pre-browning or pre-cooking necessary, which is why it makes for the perfect entree to throw in the crock pot during your busy Thanksgiving morning.
Get the recipe from Bren Did.

8. Pomegranate and Cranberry Bruschetta
A tasty and festive appetizer to serve at your Thanksgiving dinner or holiday party. The sweet pomegranate, tart cranberries and cream cheese makes a delicious spread for a crostini. Mhhmm!
Get the recipe from Tabler Party of Two.

Looking for recipe ideas for your leftover Thanksgiving food? Check out these 7 delicious turkey sandwiches that you can make for your kid’s school lunches or to take to work!

7 Things We Love About Certified Angus Beef® Brand

A Brand That’s Obsessed with Flavor and Dedicated to Quality

certified-angus-beef-burger.jpgIf you’re a beef lovin’ grill master, you’ve probably cooked with Certified Angus Beef ® brand a time or two. If you’re a Five Star customer – you’ve probably cooked with Certified Angus Beef ® brand A LOT, because that’s the only type of beef we carry. Why? It’s really quite simple… once you have the best, why would you settle for anything less?

Here’s 7 things we love about the Certified Angus Beef ® brand:

1. The Distinctive Taste – You can truly taste the difference when you bite into a Certified Angus Beef ® burger or a steak because it’s so tender…. and juicy… and flavorful… (should I keep going?)

certified-angus-beef.jpg 2. The marbling (you know, the little white specs within the lean meat). It’s what makes the Certified Angus Beef ® so flavorful and sets it apart from the rest.

cattle.jpeg3. Their standards are more selective than USDA Choice and Prime. In fact, only 3 in 10 Angus cattle meet the brand’s high standards. Each cut meets or exceeds 10 standards for quality, so you get to enjoy a steak that is consistently great.

brisket.jpg4. The Certified Angus Beef ® brand story dates back to 1975, starting with an Ohio Angus producer who had a disappointing steak for dinner. This drove a group of Angus producers to develop and market a system for the first brand of fresh, premium beef.

5. Certified Angus Beef ® brand offers an abundance of recipes to try on Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, and Twitter – If you don’t follow them on social media, you’re missing out!


Grill a skirt steak. Then play with your food. Enjoy! : : : #cabculinarycenter #advice #cheflife #chef #beef #certifiedangusbeef #tasty #delicious #foodie #steakholder #gorare #bestangusbeef #foodiegram #instayum #dining #tablesetting

A post shared by Certified Angus Beef brand (@certifiedangusbeef) on Oct 25, 2017 at 12:54pm PDT


rancher.jpg6. The Certified Angus Beef ® brand supports a network of small local ranchers in our area and across the country. By supporting the Certified Angus Beef ® brand you are supporting local farms, too.

barn-1031613_1920.jpg7. All cattle are grass-fed and spend the majority of their lives on the pasture eating grass. As the cattle grow, some grains like corn and wheat are added to their diets. This helps to enhance the marbling in the beef to give it that flavor we all enjoy.

We’re proud to be the only home food delivery service licensed to carry Certified Angus Beef, as we believe this is the best your beef can get! Learn more about the food that we carry or request your Free Chef’s Sampler today!